OrgChart Using JQuery and SharePoint List

In this blog post I'm going to display how to build our own Organization chart with the help of JQuery by fetching data from SharePoint List.

In this example, I've used the standard jQuery.Orgchart library from this link.

Please follow the below steps to generate the Chart:

  1. Create a SharePoint List using custom list template and define the hierarchy
  2. Create a lookup column of same list. Example, Supervisor column is a lookup of 'Org Chart' list.
  3. Now add a content editor webpart on a page.
  4. add the jquery references in content editor webpart.
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="_layouts/jquery.orgchart.css" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="_layouts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.css" />
    <script src="_layouts/jquery-1.9.1.js"/>
    <script src="_layouts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js"/>
    <script src="_layouts/jquery.orgchart.js"/>
  5.  Now create a new customorgchart.js file into site and add the reference into content editor webpart.
  6. In customorgchart.js file we are going to write our logic to fetch the data from SharePoint list, generate the html and then create org chart from that HTML.

First we will create a class for storing data returned from SharePoint list via JSOM query.

// Employee Node Class
function Employee (ID,Name,Supervisor) {
    this.ID = ID;
    this.Name= Name;
    this.Supervisor = Supervisor;

Now we call the JSOM query to fetch data from the list


function LoadOrgChartData(searchText)
    clientContext = new SP.ClientContext(_spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl);      
    targetList = clientContext.get_web().get_lists().getByTitle(listPagesTitle);
    query = new SP.CamlQuery();

    listItems = targetList.getItems(query);
    clientContext.executeQueryAsync(Function.createDelegate(this, this.onOrgChartQuerySucceeded), Function.createDelegate(this,this.onOrgChartQueryFailed));

Since, JSOM returns data asynchronously, so we require callback functions to be executed once query succeed or fail.

function onOrgChartQuerySucceeded()
  var message = "";
  var listEnumerator = listItems.getEnumerator(); 
    var itemCount = listItems.get_count();
    var artDate;
    if(itemCount > 0)
        var employeeList = [];
        var counter =0;
        while (listEnumerator.moveNext())  {
            var title = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item("Title") != null ? listEnumerator.get_current().get_item("Title") : "&nbsp;";
            var ID = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item("ID");
            var supervisor = listEnumerator.get_current().get_item("Supervisor") != null ? listEnumerator.get_current().get_item("Supervisor").get_lookupValue() : "0";

            var objEmp = new Employee(ID ,title ,supervisor);
        var supervisor ="0";
        var note = GetOrgHTML(employeeList,supervisor);


function onOrgChartQueryFailed(sender, args)
    alert('Request failed. \nError: ' + args.get_message() + '\nStackTrace: ' + args.get_stackTrace());

Once the query succeed, it returns data and we will store that data into the array of Employee class, and then using that array we call 'GetOrgHTML' function.

In GetOrgHTML we simply generate the html required for jquery.orgchart library to generate the orgchart.

function GetOrgHTML(employeeList,supervisor){
    var note = "";
    var i=0;
        var objEmp = employeeList[i];
        if(objEmp.Supervisor == supervisor && employeeProcessed.indexOf(objEmp.Name) < 0 ){
            note +='<li>';
            note += objEmp.Name;                   
            //supervisor = objEmp.Name;
            var empUl = GetOrgHTML(employeeList,objEmp.Name);
            if(empUl !="")
                 note +='<ul>' + empUl + '</ul>';
             note +='</li>';
    return note;

Once the orgchart html is generated then we call LoadOrgChart function to call the jOrgChart function for generating the organization structure on a page.

function LoadOrgChart(){

        chartElement : '#chart',
        dragAndDrop : true

    /* Custom jQuery for the example */
        $('#list-html').toggle('fast', function(){
                $('#show-list').text('Hide underlying list.');
                $('#show-list').text('Show underlying list.');
    $("#org").bind("DOMSubtreeModified", function() {

At the end you will see the orgchart generated on page.

With this simple steps you can create your own orgchart and by modifying the jquery.orgchart.css you can give it your own look and feel. Enjoy !!!!!


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