Displaying Charts using data in Excel and Chart.js library

Displaying Charts using data in Excel and Chart.js library

This document explains the requirements to create and display Charts on SharePoint Page by fetching data from Excel Sheets and displaying it in beautiful Charts generated using Chart.js library.
You might think why we need to do this much coding as we can directly display Excel webparts on page and display charts generated from Excel. But Excel Web parts depends on Excel Service Application to be running in Farm and this Service is not available in Standard version of SharePoint 2013. Also Excel webpart are very heavy webparts as it tries to load Excel functionality in browser.

Get started with some background

I had a requirement to display multiple charts from Excel on SharePoint page as our Excel was very heavy approx. 5MB size so it was slowing the performance of page. So I come up with angular based project to display chart using Chart.js library.
In this project I’ve used following libraries:

Actual Coding Starts from here

So let’s start with creating HTML template for displaying charts. In the HTML template I’ve referenced all the JavaScript libraries and created a div for rendering our AngularJS application (myChartApp). This is the main HTML that we are going to use in Content Editor Web Part to display charts on SharePoint Page.
    <div ng-app="myChartApp" ng-controller="myChartAppController">
        <div class="panel panel-primary">
            <h1>Dashboard (updates overnight)</h1>
            <div class="panel-body">
                <div class="row" style="border:1px solid #ccc;margin:30px 0" ng-repeat="series in TransformedData">
                    <canvas id="myChartDir_{{$index+1}}" chart-dir="series"></canvas>
    <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/xlsx/0.14.1/xlsx.core.min.js"></script>
    <script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart.js@2.8.0"></script>
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.7.9/angular.min.js"></script>
    <script src="../SiteAssets/Scripts/JLibs/chartjs-stacked100.js"></script>
    <script src="../SiteAssets/Scripts/App/myChartApp.min.js"></script>

As you can see in the HTML first div has properties the ng-app and ng-controller for associating myChartApp. You can use AngularJS bootstrapper to load your application but for simplicity I’ve used this method.
Now it’s time start coding myChartApp, but first I’ll some constants and configurable variable. You can skip this and apply the setting in the application itself. But I prefer to do this way as it provide more flexibility to change the setting at any time and will apply everywhere.
First setting, ChartConfig, as in this page I’m going to generate 3 different charts (stacked bar, line, stacked 100% bar):
var ChartConfig = {
    "Chart 1": { Name: "Chart 1", ChartType: "bar", DataInPercent: false, stacked100: false, HasHeader: true, Stacked: true, DisplayValues: false },
    "Chart 2": { Name: "Chart 2", ChartType: "line", DataInPercent: true, stacked100: false, HasHeader: true, Stacked: false, DisplayValues: false },
    "Chart 3": { Name: "Chart 3", ChartType: "bar", DataInPercent: false, stacked100: true, HasHeader: true, Stacked: true, DisplayValues: true, Colors: ["#548235", "#ffff00", "#f00"] }

Next I’ll define configuration settings (I use this configuration settings to change the urls any time):
var _myChartAppConfig = {
    IsDev: false,
    ExcelUrl: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + '/Shared%20Documents/Graphs.xlsx',
    BaseFolder: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + '/SiteAssets',
    LogEnabled: true,
    ConsoleLog: function ConsoleLog(msg) {
        if (_myChartAppConfig.LogEnabled)

Showtime, now the actual angular application starts, starting with defining myChartApp module:
angular.module('myChartApp', []);

Create AngularJs service to fetch data from Excel file:
angular.module('myChartApp').service('spRestService', ['$http', '$q', '$timeout', function ($http, $q, $timeout) {
    var spRestService = this;
    this.GetExcelData = function () {
        var deferred = $q.defer();
            method: 'GET',
            url: _myChartAppConfig.ExcelUrl,
            responseType: 'arraybuffer'
        }).then(function (result) {
        }, function (error) { deferred.reject(error); });
        return $q.when(deferred.promise);

Now we’ll create our controller to actually interact with the application:
Below is the skeleton of myChartAppController with properties and method declaration:
angular.module('myChartApp').controller('myChartAppController', ['$scope', 'spRestService', function myChartAppController($scope, spRestService) {
    $scope.XLSXRange = { row: 0, col: 0 };

    $scope.dataSeries = [];
    $scope.colors = ['#4472c4', '#ed7d31', '#a5a5a5', '#ffc000', '#5b9bd5', '#70ad47', '#264478', '#9e480e', '#636363', '#997300', '#255e91', '#43682b',
'#698ed0', '#f1975a', '#b7b7b7', '#ffcd33', '#7cafdd', '#8cc168', '#548235', '#ffff00', '#ff0000'];
    $scope.TransformedData = [];

    $scope.GetFileContent = function () {     

    $scope.TransformData = function () {
I’ve defined properties for storing data returned from service (dataSeries) and then storing the transformed data (TransformedData). I’ve also declared XLSXRange for defining the starting row and column to read from Excel Sheet and Colors array to be used while creating chart.
GetFileContent function: in this function we’ll call our service to get data from Excel file.
$scope.GetFileContent = function () {
        spRestService.GetExcelData().then(function (data) {
            var bstr = data;
            var workbook = XLSX.read(bstr, { type: 'array', cellDates: true, cellNF: false, cellText: false });
            $scope.$evalAsync(function () {
                _myChartAppConfig.ConsoleLog("Reading Excel Data");
                for (var i = 0; i < workbook.SheetNames.length; i++) {
                    var sheetName = workbook.SheetNames[i];
                    var chartOption = ChartConfig[sheetName];

                    var sheetJson = null;
                    if (chartOption.HasHeader) {
                        sheetJson = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheetName], { range: $scope.XLSXRange.row, dateNF: 'DD"/"MM"/"YYYY' });
                    } else {
                        sheetJson = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workbook.Sheets[sheetName], { range: $scope.XLSXRange.row, dateNF: 'DD"/"MM"/"YYYY', header: chartOption.HeaderColumns, blankrows: true });
                    $scope.dataSeries.push({ name: sheetName, data: sheetJson });
                    _myChartAppConfig.ConsoleLog("Loading Series:" + sheetName + '; Data:' + sheetJson.length);
                _myChartAppConfig.ConsoleLog("Trasnforming Excel Data into Chart format");
As the service returns the response in arraybuffer which is a binary format, so we cannot use it as it is. We need to transform the data from binary to array. Here comes XLSX library which reads the binary data and convert it into JavaScript based Excel Workbook object. From that Excel workbook object I’ve extracted the data from different sheets using sheet_to_json method and stored it in dataSeries object. Then used TransformData method to convert dataSeries to chart dataset.
$scope.TransformData = function () {
        angular.forEach($scope.dataSeries, function (selSeries, sIndx) {
            var chartOption = ChartConfig[selSeries.name];
            var cdata = { Labels: [], DataSets: [], ChartOption: chartOption };

            var datakeys = Object.keys(selSeries.data[0]);
            angular.forEach(datakeys, function (k, kIndx) {
                var serData = [];
                angular.forEach(selSeries.data, function (d, dIndx) {
                    if (k == '__EMPTY') {
                        var labelText = d[k].toString().indexOf(' ') > -1 ? d[k].split(' ') : d[k];
                    } else {
                        var pdata = chartOption.DataInPercent ? d[k] * 100 : d[k];
                if (k !== '__EMPTY') {
                        label: k,
                        backgroundColor: chartOption.Colors ? chartOption.Colors[kIndx - 1] : $scope.colors[kIndx - 1],
                        borderColor: chartOption.Colors ? chartOption.Colors[kIndx - 1] : $scope.colors[kIndx - 1],
                        data: serData,
                        fill: chartOption.fill ? chartOption.fill : false,
                        linetension: chartOption.Curve ? chartOption.Curve : 0

            cdata = null;           
After transforming data the TransformedData object will contain all the data related to chart including Chart Type, Coloe, Label Text, Header Text, data, data format etc.

Now we will create a directive “chartDir” for displaying actual charts.
Start coding with creating an AngularJS directive
angular.module('myChartApp').directive('chartDir', ['$parse', function ($parse) {
    return {
        restrict: 'A',
        link: function ($scope, element, attrs) {
            var canvas = element.context;
            var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
            var chart = null;

            $scope.$watch(attrs.chartDir, function (data) {
                if (data && data.DataSets.length > 0) {                   
                    if (chart) {
                    var chartConfiguration = {};
                    chart = new Chart(ctx, chartConfiguration);
You might have noticed that chartConfiguration variable is declared as an empty object. Well this is the main object that will contain all the configuration for creating chart and displaying it on page, user interaction etc.
var chartConfiguration = {
    // The type of chart we want to create
    type: data.ChartOption.ChartType,
    data: {
        labels: data.Labels,
        datasets: data.DataSets
    options: {
As you can see in above code ChartType, Data Labels and DataSet is configured. With this much configuration we can display the chart. Options provide additional functionality to the chart  i.e. axis, responsive, title, legend, tooltip etc. So in the next row I’ll show only recommended options others are nice to have.
options:  {
    scales: {
        xAxes: [{
            stacked: data.ChartOption.Stacked
        yAxes: [{
            stacked: data.ChartOption.Stacked
    responsive: true,
    title: {
        display: true,
        text: data.ChartOption.Name,
        fontSize: 20,
        padding: 15
    legend: {
        display: true,
        position: 'bottom'
    elements: {
        line: {
            tension: 0 // disables Bezier curves in line chart
    tooltips: {
        //intersect: true,
        //mode: 'index',
        callbacks: {
            label: function (tooltipItem, myData) {
                var label = myData.datasets[tooltipItem.datasetIndex].label || '';
                if (label) {
                    label += ': ';
                var n = parseFloat(tooltipItem.value);
                label += (n - Math.floor(n)) !== 0 ? n.toFixed(2) : parseInt(tooltipItem.value);
                return label;
            title: function (tooltipItem, myData) {
                var title = tooltipItem[0].label;
                if (title.indexOf(',') > -1) {
                    title = title.replace(/,/g, ' ');
                return title;
    plugins: {
        stacked100: { enable: data.ChartOption.stacked100 }
In the above section, I’ve defined the following options:
  • Scales: defines the X and Y axis
  •  Responsive: responsive nature of chart
  • Title: displays Chart title, size.
  • Legend: display legend and their position
  •  Element/Line/Tension: 0 to disable the curves while creating line chart
  • Tooltip: callback function to display custom tooltip text.
  • Plugins: added stacked100 plugin to display Stacked 100% charts.

Details of chart configurations can be found on the ChartJS documentation.

That all and you have your chart application ready to display chart taking data from Excel.

Joining the Dots

If you are not familiar with the Angular then you might be wondering how it’s going to take data and render the chart, where chartDir is called etc.
Again go back to the HTML template:
·       First div contains ng-app and ng-controller directive initialized with our module and controller.
·       You can see there is a div with ng-repeat directive that create a loop on TransformedData array and object in series. This directive is responsible for creating multiple div based on items in array.
·       Inside div, there is Canvas with chart-dir directive initialised with series object. As series object contains data that is used in generating chart. Go back to chartDir directive and look for $scope.$watch(attrs.chartDir, function (data) { the data passed in function comes from the HTML markup chart-dir="series".

Enough of knowledge, you might started thinking what we get after doing this much work.

Last thing we have to do is to add a content editor webpart in our SharePoint page and provide link to this HTML file, save and refresh. Change the data in excel file and see the chart will display the updated data.

Hope you enjoyed the article. Please leave your thoughts/queries in the comments below.


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