Fetch SharePoint Workflow Manager 1.0 Scopes

Workflow Manager Scopes

SQL Query

You can use following SQL Query on WFResourceManagementDB and it will list down all the workflow scopes created by Workflow Manager with Subsite URL and Scope path:

;WITH XMLNAMESPACES ('http://schemas.microsoft.com/workflow/2012/xaml/activities' AS ns)
SELECT XC.value('ns:Value[1]','varchar(150)') AS WScope,
FROM [WFResourceManagementDB].[dbo].[Scopes] S
CROSS APPLY S.DefaultWorkflowConfiguration.nodes('/ns:ScopedWorkflowConfiguration/ns:appSettings/ns:AppSetting') as XT(XC)
WHERE XC.value('ns:Key[1]','varchar(100)') LIKE '%WebUrl'
Order By 1

PowerShell Method

You can use below PowerShell script to fetch all the scopes:

[string]$Path = '/'
[string]$Parent = "None"

[Reflection.Assembly]::Load("Microsoft.Workflow.Client, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35") | Out-Null
Write-Output ""

function WriteScopeInfo([string]$scopeUri, [string]$path, [string]$parent) {
    $scopePath = $scopeUri + $path
    $client = New-Object -TypeName "Microsoft.Workflow.Client.WorkflowManagementClient" -ArgumentList $scopePath
    $manager = $client.CurrentScope
    $scope = $manager.Get()
    Write-Host "Name: `t`t`t$($scope.DisplayName)"
    Write-Host "Path: `t`t`t$($scope.Path)"
    Write-Host "Status: `t`t$($scope.Status.ToString())"
    Write-Host "User Comments: `t$($scope.UserComments)"
    Write-Host "Parent: `t`t$parent"
    Write-Host "Children: `t`t$($scope.ChildScopeCount)"

    [Microsoft.Workflow.Client.WorkflowConfiguration]$wfConfig = $scope.DefaultWorkflowConfiguration
    if($wfConfig.AppSettings -ne $null){
        $appSettings = $wfConfig.AppSettings.GetEnumerator() | Where {$_.Key -eq "Microsoft.SharePoint.ActivationProperties.WebUrl"};     
        Write-Host "DefaultWorkflowConfiguration: `t`t$($appSettings.Value)"
    Write-Host ""

    if ($scope.ChildScopeCount -gt 0) {
        $manager.GetChildScopes() | % { WriteScopeInfo $scopeUri $_.Path $scope.Path }

WriteScopeInfo $Endpoint $Path $Parent


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